Rodney Diverlus
RODNEY DIVERLUS is a multidisciplinary movement artist.
SOULPEPPER 2025: A Strange Loop.
FOR SOULEPPER: The Guide to Being Fabulous (2023).
SELECT THEATRE/DANCE: Nightmare Dream (IFT/Obsidian); Blackout (Tableau D’Hôte); Hadrian (Canadian Opera Company); Floreus (L'Organisme; Dérives (Bentway); Exit Strategies (Museum of Contemporary Art); Juliet & Romeo (Decidedly Jazz).
CHOREOGRAPHY: you,me,freedom (Atlantic Ballet); welcome, we’ve been waiting (Toronto Dance Theatre); RUR Torrent of Light (Tapestry Opera); in your eyes, the sparkle of gunpowder (Art Gallery of Ontario); you, meet us (Toronto Metropolitan University); sagittarius, meet capricorn (Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre).